The novel My Sister's Keeper, provides an interesting spin on social commentary. We feel that Jodi Picoult does not try to make a social statment, but rather she uses the different perspectives of all the characters in an effort to force the reader take he or her own stand on the topic she provides. In this particular novel, Picoult questions several different social and ethical issues. One of the most important issues deals with creating a genetically engineered life. Is it okay to create a child with specific capabilities in order to attempt save the life of another person? Picoult also questions whether or not a child should be able to make their own medical decisions. Through the eyes of Anna, Sara, Brian, Campbell and Julia, Picoult writes the stunning effects that these questions have on the lives of all these characters in their own perspective. Afterall Anna and Sara are obviously going to disagree with what the other has to say. The constant tension and questioning back and forth between the characters allows the reader to make a decision for themselves about what the belive to be morally correct. Picoult demonstrates how difficult it is to make decisions such as these within society and how easy it is to be criticized about a decision that one may choose to make.